June 11, 2012


I have been doing some thinking of late. Most of my thoughts during my meditations have been; "What is true happiness?". It is a question that I believe has plagued many philosophers, and psychiatrists over the millennium. I, as most people, have thought that family is happiness, children are happiness, having that perfect mate is happiness. As I have meditated about the concept of happiness, the answers I have concluded to the question are all things that you try to achieve.  I have read many articles and some books on "achieving happiness. Through meditation I have come to one conclusion. Happiness is not achieved, it just is.

Aristotle put it best I believe: "Happiness depends upon ourselves.". If you truly want to be happy, then it is you that must search only within yourself to find it. Happiness can be found no where else. Have you ever met someone who's job was the most menial task to you? Did you see them smiling? I have met these people and they are happy. They do not strive to be better than anyone else, they do not want for things that they do not need. They are content with who they are and what they have, because they have found the happiness that others search for but cannot find.

You can find this happiness. Meditate on this concept; remember a point in time of your life when you felt truly happy. A memory from childhood, a moment when you felt calm, maybe even relieved, and you wanted that moment to last forever. Now when you think about that moment, was it someone or something that made you happy or was it that you felt happy? That feeling comes from within, and if you truly want to be happy everyday, then give up the struggle and search. Let everything go. Enjoy yourself every moment, and let the happiness flow over you everyday. Do not let others effect your feelings, because the only on that can change how you feel, is you.