March 13, 2013


     Ever get tired of bullshit? Dealing with it from people, and expectations that everyone has for you? I don't have all the answers but I think that as a human being of this world, and an organism that is existing in this world, we should work together.  Instead all I seem to get is used by people.  No thanks, no appreciation, just used and discarded until I may be useful again.  That to me is bullshit. It makes me tired.

     Most people tell you that you should do for others to make yourself feel good, and do not have any expectations of someone doing you a favor in return. THAT IS BULLSHIT.  All organisms rely on each other in one aspect or another. Atoms themselves require a bond to complete their existence. Why do we as human beings believe that we are above that paradigm?

     Sometimes I think some philosophers have been correct that in our evolution we have become a virus. A disease that devours its host and then when the host dies, we move on to another host. Humanity is becoming destruction in all its glory. The eventuality of it all is that sooner or later, a virus will die. Evolution is the effect of learning. Humans never learn, and as unfortunate as I believe that is, it will be our downfall. We repeat history over and over again until someday our future will be nothing but our past. 

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